SME Services across the Potato value chain - ATDC Nakuru

Nurturing Growth: ATDC Nakuru Collaboration with Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Potato Value Chain

The potato holds a prominent place in global agriculture and diets. In recent years, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) have emerged as key players in the potato value chain, contributing significantly to its efficiency, sustainability, and economic viability. The potato value chain comprises several interconnected stages, each crucial for the successful cultivation, processing, and distribution of this versatile crop. ATDC walks with farmers in the potato value chain along these interconnected stages.

Seed Production and Distribution

The journey begins with seed selection and cultivation. Entities specializing in the production and distribution of high-quality potato seeds play a pivotal role. These entities must ensure that farmers have access to disease-resistant and high-yielding varieties, laying the foundation for a successful potato harvest.

Farming and Cultivation 

Through training, ATDC Nakuru imparts farmers with knowledge on innovative farming technologies, equipment, and expertise to enhance productivity. From precision farming tools to sustainable cultivation practices, ATDC empowers farmers to optimize their yields while minimizing negative environmental impact. With 3 walking tractors having potato planter, potato lifter and weeder attachments, ATDC has the resources to demonstrate farming and cultivation techniques to farmers in the potato value chain. Qualified ATDC staff are also on call to help farmers with farm machinery maintenance.

Harvesting and Post-Harvest Handling

Efficient harvesting and post-harvest handling are critical to preserving the quality of potatoes. ATDC Nakuru has a 200 square feet equipped fabrication workshop that plays a huge role in developing cost-effective and sustainable harvesting equipment. Furthermore, ATDC guides farmers on storage solutions, and transportation methods, reducing losses and ensuring that potatoes reach the market in optimal condition. In post-harvest handling, ATDC Nakuru has collaborated with Spurs Crisps, an SME in the potato value chain. With them for 2 years, ATDC offered food safety and quality assurance training and follow-up. Spurs Crisps have managed to sell their products to local retailing entities.

Processing and Packaging

SMEs involved in potato processing add value to raw potatoes by transforming them into various products such as chips, fries, and dehydrated goods. These enterprises contribute to the diversification of the potato market and can introduce innovative processing technologies that improve efficiency and reduce waste. ATDC Nakuru has collaborated with Willy Products, a groundnut and potato SME to get their products on supermarket shelves. The station guided the SME through the processes and created for them a linkage with Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS). In turn, Willy Products has been open to ATDC taking students to their fabricating workshop and agro-processing unit for demos and attachment. ATDC Nakuru has walked this journey together with Willy Products for 5 years.

Distribution and Marketing

ATDC has helped SMEs in the potato value chain excel in creating localized distribution networks, connecting potato producers with retailers and consumers. By offering Spurs Crisps food safety and quality assurance training and helping Willy Products with a linkage to KEBS, ATDC took the SMEs a step higher in having their products displayed on retail shelves. Working with SMEs is key because with their flexibility, SMEs can adapt to market trends and consumer demands quickly, fostering a more dynamic and responsive supply chain.

Capacity Building and Training

ATDC offering training programs for farmers and workers involved in various stages of the potato value chain has enhanced the skills of the local workforce and also improved overall efficiency and productivity. As part of the training, farmers are educated on waste reduction and the Circular Economy. ATDC also informs farmers on how climate change poses a threat to potato yields and quality and trains them on climate-smart agriculture within the potato value chain.

ATDC working with SMEs in the potato value chain has helped create jobs, with the SMEs they have collaborated with being able to stay in business. Other than stimulating local economies, it has also helped to foster skill development in the community. SMEs are integral to the sustainable growth of the potato value chain. Their involvement spans seed production, farming, processing, and distribution, contributing to economic development, sustainability, and technological advancement. As SMEs continue to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities, they play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the potato industry, ensuring its resilience and relevance in a rapidly changing global landscape. The collaborative efforts of ATDC and other development organizations are essential in fostering an enabling environment for the sustained growth of SMEs in the potato value chain.

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